2013年8月19日 星期一

Acrosser’s Taiwan Excellence Award winning product at Moscow!

This year, the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) will promote its hand-picked Taiwan Excellence Award winning products to exhibit during August 26-29, 2013 at the Moscow International Motor Show 2013(MIMS) in Expocentre, Moscow. Acrosser Technology is proud to announce that its award-winning In-Vehicle Computer, AR-V6100FL was selected by TAITRA to be showcased at the Taiwan Pavilion at this year’s MIMS.

for more info, please go to the following website:

2013年8月6日 星期二

Processing power for AMD

OEMs can now add the parallel processing power of the AMD Radeon 6310 GPU to their applications. Common to all the performance levels of the new boards and modules based on the AMD Embedded G-Series platform are their discrete-level graphics embedded computer capabilities. Providing support for the latest DirectXR 11 API, they enhance all conventional graphics-intensive small-form-factor embedded computer applications.

refer to: http://embedded-computing.com/white-papers/white-small-form-factor-sff-designs-2/